Tuesday 29 July 2014

The Faults with this Star (a hopeful rant)

I have plenty of faults. I consider cancer one of the biggest ones at present.
I'm sure you've all heard of/read/seen the book-turned-movie The Fault in Our Stars. I find it morbidly hilarious that my cancer diagnosis happened the same month the movie came out.
I'm probably not going to see the movie, or read the book, so I know my opinion is incomplete, but I have done my research on the plot and content.
I'm going to step on some toes.
Here's some truth for you:
Cancer in not romantic. Cancer is not fun, cool, or conducive to finding a boyfriend.
There is nothing glamorous about being on crutches for two months and counting.
Where is the romance in being 18, and the bulk of your summer plans consisting of doctor's appointments and daily radiation treatments?
Cancer is a curtain, a thick black blanket that affects and touches every part of your life.
It enfolds your dreams, and veils your future. You go from asking "How will I pay for college?" to
 "How do I pay for treatments?"
Sometimes, cancer is a sheer scarf, barely noticeable, yet still influencing how the outfit looks. Other days it's a heavy cape, threatening and stifling.
It's always there.
You know who else is always there?
There's an interesting conversation between Moses and God in Exodus 3:14. God identified Himself as I AM.
Present tense.
They ask who sent you? I AM
The world is crashing down around you? I AM
Cancer has enshrouded you? I AM
Right now, right here. I AM.
In THIS moment.

May you be blessed

1 comment:

  1. Where did you learn to use metaphors like that? And to write with such authenticity? Through my tears, emotions swirl through my heart--sadness over the cancer, awe at your writing, and pride that I contributed to it. :) See you soon!
