The world smears and blurs and bends.
The morning mist drifts across the road as I walk to class.
My backpack is loaded with books, my mind full with everything I'm doing today.
I trudge on, into the lifting fog.
I hear the voices of my classmates as we travel to our next class.
I know the sun is shining beyond the fog. I blink, and a ray spears through, illuminating the hoar frost on the grass. The sunbeam reflects, and the blade of grass is transformed into an icy spear, the tip burning light. I pause, and let myself absorb the sight. It lasts only a few seconds, but I continue on my way with a sense of peace and awe. Yes, life as a Rosebud student is hectic. Yes, I feel overwhelmed a large percentage of the time.
But oh, yes, there are these precious moments where I stop and see the breathtaking beauty that makes my heart hurt, in the best way.
I wouldn't have noticed that two months ago
I'm becoming attuned
Its there
How many of these moments go unseen?